Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weizen Bam!

If you have managed to read this blog consistently without realizing just how much I love the work being done over at Jolly Pumpkin, then you can't possibly be reading it all that closely. That hurts. I put a lot of effort into this. Don't be a jerk. 

Anywho, today I will be covering another one of my personal favorites by Jolly Pumpkin, Weizen Bam. Just to be clear, I have yet to have a beer by Jolly Pumpkin that has fallen short of my expectations. They are a brewery that I will gladly try anything from, at any time, anywhere.

Weizen Bam, as the name implies, is a wheat beer (weizen), but not a wheat beer that you might expect. It is a blend between a wheat beer and a saison. The thing that makes the Weizen Bam so different from other wheat beers is the funk. Jolly Pumpkin always brings the funk. It has all of the characteristics that are expected from a wheat beer, clove, esters, spicy yeastiness, but with the added delight of sour. If you aren't a fan of sour, come drink a few with me and we will see if we can change your mind. There is something about these beers that I just can't get enough of. As you can see from the photos, the WB is actually really light in color. The body mimics this and the taste won't weigh you down either. It is certainly complex, as one might expect from a hybrid style, but dangerously easy to drink. At 4.5% ABV though, it leaves you the option of drinking a few without getting too messed up. Not a bad option if I do say so. 

I would like to point out that Bam (the dog on the label) is wearing a german Alpine hat and what appears to be lederhosen. Could this brewery get any better than it already is? I don't know, maybe if they had a sweet beer blogger working for them or something. 

Glassware: Saison glass, tulip

Synonym Beer: I wish I could find another, but for now, I will just keep drinking Weizen Bam. If you do know of a similar beer, please let me know.

If you want me to look at a particular beer, drink, place, or have anything to say to me, email me at monksandmalts@gmail.com. Find me on Facebook and Twitter (@ofmonksandmalts). You can also buy my pictures here: http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/robert-rizzolo.html.

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